'분류 전체보기'에 해당되는 글 63건

  1. [TT] Cortex Peripheral bit-banding (STM32 GPIO Bitband)
  2. [GD] STM32F746 DISCOVERY 1
  4. [GD] 5V 로직 Cortex-M0 Kinetis E
  5. [TT] BLE nRF51822 Throughput , 최대 전송 성능
  6. [GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7
  7. [TN] BLE nRF51822 개발 보드 선정하기!!
  9. [GD] STM32 Nucleo 2
  10. [TT] RTOS DAC Profiling ( DAC Debug )

[TT] Cortex Peripheral bit-banding (STM32 GPIO Bitband)


위 첨부는 ST 예제중인 하나인 내부 SRAM Bitband 시험 예제이고요.

F12 Programming Manual.pdf

위 첨부는 cortex 의 원론적인 내부 명령어 설명서 입니다.

저는 8051코드을 M3로 변환하다 심심해서 사용을 해봤습니다.

아래 예제는 GPIOB 10번, GPIOB 11번 핀을 Peripheral Bitband기능을 이용해서 고속으로 제어 합니다.

실제 scope관측시나, 코드 생성시 비교해보면 당연히 기본 Peripheral lib에서 제공하는 함수 보다 월등히 빠릅니다.

scope캡쳐 해놨는데 사라지고 없네요...ㅋ


#define PERIPHERAL_BASE       0x40000000

#define PERIPHERAL_BB_BASE    0x42000000

#define GPIOB_ODR             0x40010C0C

#define GPIO_I2C_SCL_BIT      (10)

#define GPIO_I2C_SDA_BIT      (11)


#define  D1_MCU_SCL         *(volatile INT32U *) (PERIPHERAL_BB_BASE | ((GPIOB_ODR - PERIPHERAL_BASE) << 5) | ((GPIO_I2C_SCL_BIT) << 2)) 

#define  D0_MCU_SDA         *(volatile INT32U *) (PERIPHERAL_BB_BASE | ((GPIOB_ODR - PERIPHERAL_BASE) << 5) | ((GPIO_I2C_SDA_BIT) << 2)) 


정의는 저정도로 하면 되고, #define문은 컴파일시에 계산이 모두되어 상수로 들어가니 연산자가 많다고 실제 코드상에서 실행 속도가 늘어나지는 않습니다.

프로그램 상에서는 아래와 같이 8051처럼 쓰시면 됩니다.


  D0_MCU_SDA = 0;

  wait_us(1); // 

  D1_MCU_SCL = 1;


주의 할 점은 저렇게 GPIO출력으로 쓰다 보면 무의식적으로 입력을 자연스럽게 아래처럼 받게 됩니다.

당연히 동작이 제대로 안되겠죠.

M3 Core는 입출력 레지스터가 분리되어 있어서 읽어 들일때는 또 다른 define을 정의 해야 합니다. 


if( D0_MCU_SDA == 0 ) 


그냥 심심풀이 였습니다.


단돈 50$ !!!

멀티미디어 활용도를 높이기 위해 LCD와 메모리를 빵방하게 달아 놓았고,
특이하게 LCD 터치를 정전식으로 사용했네요.
메모리는 요즘 업계 추세가 다량의 address, data bus net가 필요 없는 고속 4BIT SPI Serial Flash 사용이네요.


Discovery kit with STM32F746NG MCU
  • activeActive

The 32F746GDISCOVERY kit helps to discover STM32F7 Series microcontollers based on ARM® Cortex®-M7 core. It allows users

The discovery kit can support applications such as audio and video player audio recorder, home intruder alarm. HMIs can also be designed, taking benefit of audio, video and color touch screen features. The variety of possible application flavors is very wide.

Data Brief

Key Features

  • STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller featuring 1 Mbytes of Flash memory and 340 Kbytes of RAM, in BGA216 package
  • On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 supporting USB re-enumeration capability
  • USB functions: virtual COM port, mass storage, debug port
  • 4.3-inch 480x272 color LCD-TFT with capacitive touch screen
  • Camera connector
  • SAI audio codec
  • Audio line in and line out jack
  • Stereo speaker outputs
  • Two ST MEMS microphones
  • SPDIF RCA input connector
  • Two pushbuttons (user and reset)
  • 128-Mbit Quad-SPI Flash memory
  • 128-Mbit SDRAM (64 Mbits accessible)
  • Connector for microSD card
  • RF-EEPROM daughterboard connector
  • USB OTG HS with Micro-AB connectors
  • USB OTG FS with Micro-AB connectors
  • Ethernet connector compliant with IEEE-802.3-2002
  • Five power supply options:
  • ST LINK/V2-1
  • USB FS connector
  • USB HS connector
  • VIN from Arduino connector
  • External 5 V from connector
  • Power supply output for external applications: 3.3 V or 5 V
  • Arduino Uno V3 connectors
  • Comprehensive free software including a variety of examples, part of STM32Cube package


'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GD] SONY 18650-VTC5  (1) 2015.07.09
[GD] SAMSUNG LI-ION INR18650-20R  (0) 2015.07.08
[GD] RENESAS RZ/A1  (0) 2014.12.24
[GD] 5V 로직 Cortex-M0 Kinetis E  (0) 2014.10.23
[GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7  (0) 2014.09.25


디지키에 계속 광고로 뜨길래 간단하게 조사 한번 해봤습니다.

특징은 다음과 같습니다.

- QFP 패키지로 GLCD를 간단하게 연결 가능

- 추가로 외부 SDRAM 장착 가능

- 내부에 3/5/10Mbyte 그래픽,코드 동작용 대용량 SRAM 탑재

- 고속 Cortex-A9 400Mhz


RZ/A1 208P QFP 1개 + 8PIN QuadSPI Serial Flash 외부 장착 1개 또는 2개  : 2층 기판에 800x480 GLCD을 구동 할 수 있는 환경이 나오는 겁니다.

3Mbyte 정도의 양이면 

16bit full color 800x480 에 2layer 구성에 1.5Mbyte 필요 합니다. 

물론 코드 싸이즈와 개별 그래픽 영역 램 구성도 추가로 필요 할듯 하고요.

5Mbyte정도면 걱정없이 쓰겠네요.

홈페이지 게시된 개발 도구나 doc는 여타 반도체 회사보다 많이 빈약해 보이는게 좀...

하지만 일본 자국내에서는 개발보드와 해당 반도체를 이용한 개발이 활발해 보이네요.

Create Superior HMI Designs with Fewer Components

On-chip functions provided by RZ/A1 MPUs reduce BOM cost, save board space and minimize integration tasks. Typical applications like the one shown below take advantage of a rich portfolio of intellectual property from Renesas and can utilize a range of built-in peripherals, including: CMOS camera interface, JPEG Codec Unit, 12-bit ADC, and OpenVG 2D graphics engine, among others.

Build full-featured HMI solutions with digital audio and WXGA (1280x800) resolution using a single RZ/A1 MPU and SPI Flash


Up to 10MB on-chip RAM

  • For code execution/data buffering

128-bit memory bus

  • With parallel (x4) access to deliver superior memory throughput

Execute-In-Place (XIP) from inexpensive QSPI memory

  • With three layers of cache

LCD controller to drive up to two independent WXGA displays

  • For vivid displays


Lower BOM Cost

  • No external SDRAM or LCD controller
  • Simpler voltage regulators
  • Reduced PCB layers

Increased Performance

  • 1000 DMIPS at 400MHz
  • 6x throughput of 333MHz 16-bit DDR2

Decreased Power Consumption

  • Fewer board components
  • No copying of code from flash to RAM

Accelerate Time to Market

  • Simpler PCB design
  • Decreased EMI via reduced switching
  • No DDR procurement issues

'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GD] SAMSUNG LI-ION INR18650-20R  (0) 2015.07.08
[GD] STM32F746 DISCOVERY  (1) 2015.06.26
[GD] 5V 로직 Cortex-M0 Kinetis E  (0) 2014.10.23
[GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7  (0) 2014.09.25
[GD] STM32L053 DISCOVERY  (0) 2014.09.02

[GD] 5V 로직 Cortex-M0 Kinetis E

간혹 시스템 설계시 5V 로직 베이스가 필요한 경우가 있죠...

뭐 이럴땐 다시 AVR,PIC으로 넘어가기에는 정말 개발 때려칠 정도로 싫은 경우고요.

이런게 있더라...알아두면 나중에 도움이 되겠죠.

막상 쓸만한 5V 로직 Cortex-M 계열 찾아보시면 별로 없어요~

참고 하세요

Kinetis E Series: 5V, Robust Microcontrollers (MCUs) based on ARM® Cortex®-M0+ Cores

The Kinetis E series is the most scalable portfolio of ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCUs in the industry. Designed to maintain high robustness for complex electrical noise environments and high-reliability applications, the Kinetis E series families offer a broad range of memory, peripheral and package options. They share common peripherals and pincounts allowing developers to migrate easily within an MCU family or between MCU families to take advantage of more memory or feature integration. This scalability allows developers to standardize on the Kinetis E series for their end product platforms, maximizing hardware and software reuse and reducing time-to-market.


  • 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ core
  • Scalable memory footprints from 8 KB flash / 1 KB SRAM to 128 KB flash / 16 KB SRAM
  • Precision mixed-signal capability with on chip analog comparator and 12-bit ADC
  • Powerful timers for a broad range of applications including motor control
  • Serial communication interfaces such as UART, SPI, I²C, etc.
  • High security and safety with internal watchdog and programmable CRC module
  • Single power supply (2.7–5.5 V) with full functional flash program/erase/read operations
  • Ambient operation temperature range: -40 °C ~ 105 °C

가격싼 Freedom 보드


Freescae Kinetis E Series


'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GD] STM32F746 DISCOVERY  (1) 2015.06.26
[GD] RENESAS RZ/A1  (0) 2014.12.24
[GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7  (0) 2014.09.25
[GD] STM32L053 DISCOVERY  (0) 2014.09.02
[GD] STM32 Nucleo  (2) 2014.05.22

[TT] BLE nRF51822 Throughput , 최대 전송 성능

BLE  디바이스 중에 하나인 nRF51822 의 Throughput 입니다.


스마트폰 - nRF51822 통신 기준으로 할때 

책과, 위의 게시판 결론은 

분류 A( Interval당 전송 packet 갯수)

interval 당 6packet * 20byte = 120byte 단위로 데이터 전송이 가능한 제품이 있고,

               4packet * 20byte = 80byte  단위로 데이터 전송이 가능한 제품이 있습니다.

분류 B( Interval 시간 간격 )

해당 interval 설정은 기기마다 다르다 입니다.


1. iPhone5에서     interval 이 30ms /6packet                                 32Kbps(4Kbyte/s)

2. 안드로이드에서 interval 이 7.5ms/6packet 가능한 제품의 경우    128Kbps(16Kbyte/s)

3. 안드로이드에서 interval 이 7.5ms/4packet 가가능한 제품의 경우   84Kbps(10.6Kbyte)

2번은 거의 실제 115.2kbps의 uart속도보다 높게 나오지만....

AIR 성능에 따라 이상적으로 나오지는 않겠지요.

엔지니어니깐 직접 해보기 전에는 일단...참고만................

[GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7

오랜만에 신제품입니다.
Cortex-M7 입니다.

ARM에서 이미 발표를 하고, ST에서 선빵을 날리는 형국이네요. 
아직 Preview상태이며 Discovery Board 도 멋있게 나와주리라 생각 됩니다.

기본 특징은 기존 MCU들이 잘 가지고 있지 않는 내부 cache가 AP급으로 노골적으로 들어난 형국입니다.
외부 메모리 활용을 높이려면 어쩔 수 없을 것 같고요.

기존 M4 계열이 1.25DMIPS/Mhz 인데, M7계열은 2.14DMIPS/Mhz 로 성능이 확 올라 갑니다.
따라서 기존 M4 계열과 최대 동작 Clock이 같다고 쳐도 DMIPS기준으로는 성능이 2배 조금 못 미치게 됩니다.

조금 기다리면 실체를 볼 수 있겠네요.

컴파일러는 어떻게 되려나......


High-performance and DSP with FPU, ARM Cortex-M7 MCU with 1 Mbytes Flash, 200 MHz CPU, Art Accelerator, L1 cache, HW crypto, SDRAM, TFT
  • PreviewPreview

The STM32F756xx devices are based on the high-performance ARM®Cortex®-M7 32-bit RISC core operating at up to 200 MHz frequency. The Cortex®-M7 core features a single floating point unit (SFPU) precision which supports all ARM® single-precision data-processing instructions and data types. It also implements a full set of DSP instructions and a memory protection unit (MPU) which enhances application security.

The STM32F756xx devices incorporate high-speed embedded memories with Flash memory up to 1 Mbyte, 320 KB of SRAM (including 64 KB of Data TCM RAM for critical real time data), 16 KB of instruction TCM RAM (for critical real time routines), 4 KB of backup SRAM available in the lowest power modes, and an extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses, two AHB buses, a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix and a multi layer AXI interconnect supporting internal and external memories access.

All devices offer three 12-bit ADCs, two DACs, a low-power RTC, twelve general-purpose 16-bit timers including two PWM timers for motor control, two general-purpose 32-bit timers, a true random number generator (RNG), and a cryptographic acceleration cell. They also feature standard and advanced communication interfaces.

pdfPlease read
Errata Sheet
Data Brief

Key Features

  • Core: ARM® 32-bit Cortex®-M7 CPU with FPU, adaptive real-time accelerator (ART Accelerator™) and L1 cache: 4KB data cache and 4KB instruction cache, allowing 0-wait state execution from embedded Flash memory and external memories, frequency up to 200 MHz, MPU, 428 DMIPS/2.14 DMIPS/MHz (Dhrystone 2.1), and DSP instructions.
  • Memories
  • Up to 1MB of Flash memory
  • SRAM: 320KB (including 64KB of data TCM RAM for critical real time data) + 16KB of instruction TCM RAM (for critical real time routines) + 4KB of backup SRAM (available in the lowest power modes)
  • Flexible external memory controller with up to 32-bit data bus: SRAM, PSRAM, SDRAM/LPSDR SDRAM, NOR/NAND memories
  • Dual mode Quad SPI
  • LCD parallel interface, 8080/6800 modes
  • LCD-TFT controller up to XGA resolution with dedicated Chrom-ART Accelerator™ for enhanced graphic content creation (DMA2D)
  • Clock, reset and supply management
  • 1.7 V to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os
  • POR, PDR, PVD and BOR
  • Dedicated USB power
  • 4-to-26 MHz crystal oscillator
  • Internal 16 MHz factory-trimmed RC (1% accuracy)
  • 32 kHz oscillator for RTC with calibration
  • Internal 32 kHz RC with calibration
  • Sleep, Stop and Standby modes
  • VBATsupply for RTC, 32×32 bit backup registers + 4KB backup SRAM
  • 3×12-bit, 2.4 MSPS ADC: up to 24 channels and 7.2 MSPS in triple interleaved mode
  • 2×12-bit D/A converters
  • General-purpose DMA: 16-stream DMA controller with FIFOs and burst support
  • Up to 18 timers: up to thirteen 16-bit (1x low power 16-bit timer available in stop mode) and two 32-bit timers, each with up to 4 IC/OC/PWM or pulse counter and quadrature (incremental) encoder input. All 15 timers running up to 200 MHz. 2x watchdogs, SysTick timer
  • Debug mode
  • SWD & JTAG interfaces
  • Cortex®-M7 Trace Macrocell™
  • Up to 168 I/O ports with interrupt capability
  • Up to 164 fast I/Os up to 100 MHz
  • Up to 166 5 V-tolerant I/Os
  • Up to 25 communication interfaces
  • Up to 4× I2C interfaces (SMBus/PMBus)
  • Up to 4 USARTs/4 UARTs (12.5 Mbit/s, ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem control)
  • Up to 6 SPIs (up to 50 Mbits/s), 3 with muxed simplex I2S for audio class accuracy via internal audio PLL or external clock
  • 2 x SAI (serial audio interface)
  • 2 × CAN (2.0B Active) and SDMMC interface
  • SPDIF-IN interface
  • Advanced connectivity
  • USB 2.0 full-speed device/host/OTG controller with on-chip PHY
  • USB 2.0 high-speed/full-speed device/host/OTG controller with dedicated DMA, on-chip full-speed PHY and ULPI
  • 10/100 Ethernet MAC with dedicated DMA: supports IEEE 1588v2 hardware, MII/RMII
  • 8- to 14-bit parallel camera interface up to 54 Mbytes/s
  • Cryptographic acceleration: hardware acceleration for AES 128, 192, 256, Triple DES, HASH (MD5, SHA-1, SHA-2), and HMAC
  • True random number generator
  • CRC calculation unit
  • RTC: subsecond accuracy, hardware calendar
  • 96-bit unique ID


'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GD] RENESAS RZ/A1  (0) 2014.12.24
[GD] 5V 로직 Cortex-M0 Kinetis E  (0) 2014.10.23
[GD] STM32L053 DISCOVERY  (0) 2014.09.02
[GD] STM32 Nucleo  (2) 2014.05.22
[GD] AVSS Cable ( Very Thin-wall Low-tension Cables For Automobiles )  (0) 2014.05.16

[TN] BLE nRF51822 개발 보드 선정하기!!

nRF51822 BLE 시작하기.

현재 쉽게 접할 수 있는 솔류션은 TI, Nordic 정도 입니다.

TI는 8051 Base, 

Nordic은 Cortex-M0 Base입니다.

저는 당근 Cortex계열 선택 합니다....

그래서 일단 Nordic 계열로 넘어 갑니다.

요약 하자면 개인 스터디 용도면 1번,

회사면 2번,3번 

땜질에 자신 있으면 3번빼고, 2번만 사서 진행 하시면 됩니다.

전 2번만 사서 진행 중입니다.

1. nRF51822 Evaluation Kit (nRF51822-EK)


- 개인적으로 소규모 개인 개발 시작단계라면 추천 드리겠습니다.

   USB Dongle은 Master Emulator 또는 Packet Snipper로 사용됩니다.

   보드에 정중앙 큰 MCU는 J-Link IC이고, 왼쪽 작은 IC가 51822 입니다.

   단돈 10만원에...모십니다.


The evaluation kit gives you the lowest cost entry point to development with the nRF51822.

A J-Link Lite evaluation unit is included in the nRF51422 Development Kit. Please note that programming and debugging functionality on the evaluation kit is limited to the kit itself. To be able to program and debug on your own hardware, you will need a standalone programmer/debugger such as the J-Link PLUS, J-Link ULTRA+, or J-Link Pro which is available for purchase on www.segger.comThe kit operates stand alone, and is based around a small module with headers for all IO pins, 2 buttons, 2 LED's as well as a built-in Segger on board programming and debugging over USB solution. This board is accompanied by a USB dongle with identical features except for access to I/O pins. This board can act as wireless peer device or it can act as a very small Software development platform in itself. The kit also contains 5 IC samples. The evaluation kit is supported by pre-qualified Bluetooth Smart (previously calledBluetooth low energy) stacks offered as SoftDevices as well as library and code example support in the nRF51 Software Development kit supporting all nRF51 series devices.

2. nRF51822 Development Kit (nRF51822-DK)


-  회사에서 개발 시작단계라면 추천 드리겠습니다.

   USB Dongle은 Master Emulator 또는 Packet Snipper로 사용됩니다.

   nRF51822 모듈이 각 2개 있으며, J-Link가 독립적으로 분리되어 있습니다.

   마찬가지로 단돈 10만원에 모시지만, 제 역활을 하기 위해서는 아래 3번인 nRFgo 보드가 있어야 편리 합니다.(없으면 일일이 SW,LED,파워,UART등을 손땜으로 구성해야 합니다. T.T)


The development kits are supported by pre-qualified Bluetooth Smart stacks available as SoftDevices and an extencive library and code example support in the nRF51 Software Development Kit supporting all the devices in the nRF51 series.The nRF51822 development kit is nRFgo compatible and enables you to do more advanced development especially when integrating with external circuitry. The development kit provides you nRFgo compatible modules with PCB antennas as well as SMA connetors for RF measurements, USB dongles to act as peer devices and a stand alone segger Jlink Lite programmer and debugger that enables programming/debugging on the nRFgo modules as well as on your own protoype/engineering hardware.

For more details and product related downloads, go to the nRF51822 Development Kit page.

3. nRFgo

nRF6700 starter kit

-  회사에서 개발 시작단계라면 추천 드리겠습니다.

   이놈은 단돈 40만원입니다.. 갑자기 비싸지네요.


The base for the nRFgo development platform is a starter kit which contains 2 nRFgo motherboards as well as all necessary patch and USB cables for more advanced prototyping. The nRFgo mother board is a large and stable platform which gives you access to all I/O pins, 8 buttons and LED's as well as a large extension module socket that maps all the I/O pins of the nRFgo development kit modules that plugs into the nRFgo motherboard. The nRFgo development kits enables you to program the nRFgo modules themselves or your own engineering samples either through the nRFgo motherboard itself or included stand alone programmers/debuggers.

The advantage of the nRFgo development platform is that it can be used accross all nrF51 series devices as well as older (nRF24L and nRF8000) series of nRF devices. If you have used other nRF devices there is no need to replace the nRFgo starter kit and even if you are new to nRF devices but plan to use different variants nRFgo gives you a common HW platform to work on accross your products.nRFgo mother board is complimented by a nRFgo studio a PC program enabling you to control and program a number of attached nRFgo kits, run various tests and control supply level to the development kits.


For more details please download the nRF51822 starter kit user guide. (this will require that we put the user guide out separately, not as part of the installer as today) (this link requires mypage login, if you don't already have a mypage account, choose 'new user' and follow the instructions)

'Technical Note!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[TN] E-Paper, E-Ink Partial Update Issue  (0) 2016.05.11
[TN] 4Wire Touchscreen C Source  (0) 2013.03.08


요즘 IoT도 그렇고, 저전력이 많이 잇슈화 되는것 같습니다.

기존 Lxx 씨리즈 다음으로 더 적게 먹는 L0xx 씨리즈를 만들었네요.

Discovery 보드에는 E-ink, E-Paper 등등등 불리우는 E-display 가 달려 있습니다.

기존에는 디스플레이 방식의 차이로 인해 저전력, 느린 화면전환, refresh가 없어서 눈이 책을 보는것 같은 편안함을 느끼는 것을

특징으로만 알고 있었는데, 전원이 나가도 이미지가 그대로 남아 있네요.

Discovery board Link :


E-Display Link : 


R : Renesas

T : TI

E : EFM ?

전력 얼마나 먹는지는 안나오고, 저전압 고클럭을 강조 하네요.

Key Features

  • STM32L053C8T6 microcontroller featuring 64 KB of flash memory, 8 KB RAM in an LQFP48 package.
  • On-board ST-LINK/V2-1 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone ST-LINK/V2-1 (with SWD connector for programming and debugging)
  • USB re-enumeration capability: three different interfaces supported on USB
  • Virtual com port
  • Mass storage
  • Debug port
  • Board power supply: through USB bus or from an external 5 V supply voltage
  • External application power supply: 3 V and 5 V.
  • One linear touch sensor or four touch keys.
  • IDD current measurement.
  • 2.04” E-paper display, 172x72 pixels
  • Four LEDs:
  • LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
  • LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power on
  • Two user LEDs: LD3 (green), LD4 (red)
  • Two pushbuttons (user and reset)
  • Extension header for LQFP48 I/Os for a quick connection to the prototyping board and easy probing.


'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[GD] STM32L Discovery  (0) 2014.05.14

[GD] STM32 Nucleo

ST 개발자 분들 요즘 약드시고 힘내서 일하나 봅니다.

좋은 MCU뿐만 아니라 좋은 개발 보드도 열심히 잘 만들고 계시네요.

단돈 만원에 가져 가세요~

MBED 플랫폼 사용하면 컴파일러도 필요 없어요~!!

Part NumberStatusDescription
NUCLEO-F030R8ActiveSTM32 Nucleo development board for STM32 F0 series - with STM32F030R8T6 MCU supports Arduino
NUCLEO-F103RBActiveSTM32 Nucleo development board for STM32 F1 series - with STM32F103RBT6 MCU,supports Arduino
NUCLEO-F302R8ActiveNucleo development board for STM32 F3 series - with STM32F302R8T6 MCU, 64KB flash memory, TQFP64 package
NUCLEO-F401REActiveSTM32 Nucleo development board for STM32 F4 series - with STM32F401RE MCU, supports Arduino
NUCLEO-L152REActiveSTM32 Nucleo development board for STM32 L1 series - with STM32L152RE MCU, supports Arduino
X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1EvaluationBluetooth low energy expansion board based on BlueNRG for STM32 Nucleo

'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글

[GD] Cortex-M7 STM32F7  (0) 2014.09.25
[GD] STM32L053 DISCOVERY  (0) 2014.09.02
[GD] AVSS Cable ( Very Thin-wall Low-tension Cables For Automobiles )  (0) 2014.05.16
[GD] STM32L Discovery  (0) 2014.05.14
SPI EEPROM ATMEL AT25320B AT25640B  (0) 2013.11.23

[TT] RTOS DAC Profiling ( DAC Debug )

출처 : ??

내용 : RTOS DAC Profiling 

점수 : 90점

RTOS 사용시 예상치 못한 Task Inversion 이나 

특정 Task의 과도한 점유 등을 간단하게 오실로스코프로 디버그 할 수 있는 방법 입니다.

예전에는 GPIO 하나를 할당해서 특정 Task의 실행 시간을 스코핑해서 관측 하거나,

OS_TICK의 증가 수를 보고 수행 시간을 측정 하곤 했는데요.

아래와 같이 DAC을 이용하면 참 여러 용도로 좋을 듯 합니다.

요즘 대부분 MCU들이 DAC을 내장 하고 있고, 출력 샘플링 속도도 어마어마 하게 빨라서 사용하는데 부담이 없을 것 같습니다.

조만간 실전에 도전!!

우연히 발견했는데...앞으로 계속 쓰게될것 같네요.

첨부 자료 참고 하세요!!

OSs-Micrium-Learning Centre-Verticle Market-Microchip.Solution_Guide.pdf

Thanks Kevin!!