STM32 저전력 MCU 입니다.
LCD 인터페이스에 Analog Comparator, OPAMP까지 들어 있고,
EEPROM도 들어 있네요.
CORTEX-M3 Platform 그대로 활용 할 수 있어서 저전력 기기 구성시 사용하면 좋을 듯 합니다.
Key Features
- STM32L152RBT6 (128 KB Flash memory, 16 KB RAM, 4 KB EEPROM) or STM32L152RCT6 (256 KB Flash memory, 32 KB RAM, 8 KB EEPROM) microcontroller in an LQFP64 package
- On-board ST-Link/V2 with selection mode switch to use the kit as a standalone ST-Link/V2 (with SWD connector for programming and debugging)
- Board power supply: through USB bus or from an external 3.3 or 5 V supply voltage
- External application power supply: 3 V and 5 V
- IDD current measurement
- DIP28 package
- 24 segments, 4 commons
- Four LEDs:
- LD1 (red/green) for USB communication
- LD2 (red) for 3.3 V power on
- Two user LEDs, LD3 (green) and LD4 (blue)
- Two pushbuttons (user and reset)
- One linear touch sensor or four touchkeys
- Extension header for LQFP64 I/Os for quick connection to prototyping board and easy probing
STM32L 계열은 MicroXplorer 프로그램으로 아래와 같이 예상 Power Consumption을 예측 할 수 있네요.
'Good Device!!' 카테고리의 다른 글
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