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536Mhz 최대 속도에서 <200mW 면 정말 적게 먹는건데...
SAMA5D3 Series Key Features

High Performance
Designed to complement the power of the ARM Cortex-A5 core, the SAMA5D3 delivers 850DMIPS while consuming less than 200mW.
- 1.58 DMIPS/MHz ARM Cortex-A5 core
- 536MHz maximum operating frequency (850DMIPS)
- 64-bit internal bus architecture and 32-bit external bus interface (EBI)
- 1328MB/s maximum bandwidth with 166MHz bus speed
- Floating point unit (FPU) for high-precision computing and accelerated data processing
- ARM Cortex-A5 FPU offers three times the performance of the ARM Cortex-A8 FPU

Low Power Consumption
The SAMA5D3 uses innovative techniques to push down power consumption in all modes.
- <200mW in active mode at 536MHz with all peripherals activated
- <0.5mW in low-power mode with SRAM, registers retention and <0.5ms wake-up time ~1.2µA in backup mode with RTC running
- Ideal for battery-operated systems

The SAMA5D3 series embeds a wide range of advanced communication peripherals, making it ideal for bridges or gateways.
- Dual Ethernet and dual CAN ports
- Gigabit Ethernet MAC with IEEE1588 and 10/100 MAC
- Two CAN controllers
- Three HS USB ports that can be configured as three host or two host and one device port
- Three SDIO/SD/MMC ports, up to seven UARTs, two SPIs, three TWIs, soft modem, CMOS sensor interface, 12-bit ADC, 32-bit timers and more

Enhanced User Interfaces
With the SAMA5D3, you can create the sleek and smooth user interfaces required by today’s applications.
- Graphic LCD controller with overlays for image composition, integrating features such as alpha blending, scaling, color conversion, rotation
- Resistive touchscreen interface
- CMOS sensor interface
- 2x SSC interfaces

The SAMA5D3 includes features to prevent cloning of your application as well as to secure communications and data storage.
- Secure boot
- Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)/Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) encryption engine
- Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
- True Random Number Generator (TRNG)

Low System Cost
With its high level of system integration, the SAMA5D3 provides maximum flexibility, while minimizing the need for expensive additional components.
- 0.8mm ball pitch package enables simple and low-cost PCB design
- A minimal external power supply saves the cost of an expensive PMIC
- 3x high-speed USB ports save the cost of an external hub
- Integrated soft modem solution saves the cost of an external modem device
- Impedance control on DDR lines save external resistors
- Embedded RTC with 1.2µA power consumption saves an external one
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